Madeleine’s Sketchbook – Total Power

Madeleine’s Sketchbook – Total Power

Madeleine is a student currently enrolled in my foundation drawing class at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan New York. Madeleine is definitely playing by her own set of rules. She wants to create her own animated series for Cartoon Network. Hey why not.

Madeleine has the drive, the talent and a clear vision for what she wants. The sheer volume of drawings Madeleine has created in her sketchbook is pretty amazing.

I ask my students to fill two sketchbooks in a fifteen week semester, Madeleine completed her two in eight weeks. You definitely have to take note of that.

Finishing two sketchbooks in fifteen weeks is what every student should strive for. There is definitely something magical that happens when you draw that much. That magic is happening with Madeleine.

I really teach drawing in a very traditional way. Madeleine is far from traditional and I totally accept that. I love all of the drawings Madeleine works on in class. They are so very different, they really make you take a step back.

It’s so very important to expose yourself to different kinds of art. For that I thank you Madeleine for sharing your sketchbooks with us.

Check out Madeleine’s website. Thanks again Madeline for sharing your art. looking forward to the next sketchbooks.

Ron’s Sketchbook – No Chocolate

Ron’s Sketchbook – No Chocolate

My favorite part of having Ron as a student is teasing her about not liking Chocolate. Every once it a while I’ll purchase fun snacks for my students. Sometimes it’s candy while on other days it could be donuts. One day I noticed Ron didn’t touch any of it, she told me she hated chocolate. So I started buying her fruit, it gave us both a good laugh.

Maybe it’s best that Ron doesn’t get that sugar low. The sheer volume of drawing’s in her sketchbook is pretty inspiring. The craziest thing about Ron, she primarily drew digitally before enrolling in my class. No pencil. When you look at the improvement it has got to push you to draw more.

I hope you enjoy browsing through Ron’s sketchbook. She flipped through it at a pretty fast rate. There is so much to see. The more detail Ron puts in her art the more it pulls me in. I love that about her work. What do you like about Ron’s sketchbook?

Leave us a comment below.



Thanks Ron for sharing!!

Julia’s Sketchbook

Julia’s Sketchbook

As I relaunch the Drawing Tutorials Online Blog it felt totally appropriate to have Julia’s sketchbook be our first post.

Julia epitomizes what DTO is all about. A passion to have drawing be the center of one’s lifestyle. What do I mean? As you can see Julia loves to draw. Drawing is at the center of her lifestyle.

She is embarking on her journey as a visual artist and drawing is how she is manifesting her vision. From stop motion to jewelry creation every concept is drawn in her sketchbook first.

Julia’s Sketchbook is pretty amazing. Julia is a young multi-talented artist with a bright future ahead of her. It’s students like Julia that inspire me to teach students of all levels.

Grab your sketchbook, turn off your phone and start drawing. You will find yourself more relaxed.

I hope you enjoy looking through her sketchbook.

Learn how to draw a likeness of the figure every time.