How To Draw A Three Dimensional Portrait
If you are looking to improve your portrait drawings watch the video critique below. In this video critique we help out Ilse with drawing a better likeness of the model within the photo.
We also show her how to create more three dimension through the use of shadow shapes. I’m a big believer of shading in shadow shapes in a solid way. If you leave white paper showing through your shadows, not only will you loose the likeness, you will also loose that three dimension look and feel.
Lastly in the video we show Ilse how to handle drawing the hair. Once again it’s all about light and shade. However with hair it’s also very much about drawing cylindrical shapes. Making sure that when you draw strands of hair they are in the form of a cylinder. Especially with the hair within the photo reference Ilse is drawing from.
I hope that you learned something from this video critique. If you are looking for some feedback and guidance regarding your portrait drawings visit members.drawing-tutorials-online.com to read up on what our site has to offer you.
Thanks for watching!
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