Sydney’s Sketchbook – Bouncy Cartoon Characters
Sydney is currently enrolled in my Friday drawing class at the School Of Visual Arts. Sydney is an Animation major which is perfect. Her characters are quintessential cartoon to say the least.
What I love so much about Sydney is that she is super comfortable in her shoes. She is not wishy washy about what her work is all about. She loves drawing bouncy cartoon characters and she is really good at it.
I also love that every character has a definite facial expression. Drawing diverse facial expressions is super hard to say the least. Especially for someone like myself who was trained in an academic style.
Whether you like cartoon drawings or not Sydney’s work is definitely something to take note of. She is super clear on her process, style and subject matter. That means a lot in my book. It usually means success.
With Sydney understanding what her work is all about she really has a step up on the competiton. I really can envision turning on my TV, switching over to the cartoon network and seeing Sydney’s work. I just hope that she remembers to tell me when it’s on!
It’s so very important to have a clear vision for you and your work. If you don’t know where you are going with your work, all of that practice can make it feel as though you are just spinning your wheels.