Yifei’s Sketchbook – Number Two

Yifei’s Sketchbook – Number Two

Yifei is such an incredible student to have in class. He really puts his all into everything that he does. From life drawing, to homework, to class projects, you can totally see the effort.

Yefei’s sketchbook is in essence, his diary. It’s a diary of his student life here in NYC. Yefei is such an incredible talent. He is able to draw in such detail, then switch gears and draw simple cute stuff.

For me the key takeaway from his sketchbook is the passion he has for drawing. You can clearly see that he uses his sketchbook in every part of his life. Today, many artists use their phones to document there lives. Yefei is using his sketchbook.

He certainly has a bright future. He is a true storyteller. I hope you enjoyed looking through his sketchbook as much as I did.



Check out Yifei’s Instagram. Thanks again Yifei for sharing your art.


Christine’s Sketchbook – Dancer’s Delight

Christine’s Sketchbook – Dancer’s Delight

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a sketchbook video. Christine is the last student to represent the class last semester’s class.

I really enjoyed having Christine as a student in the class. Christine really came into her own as the year progressed. I really thought that her linework looked great. Her gestures drawings also improved.

I wish Christine lots of success in her second year at the School Of Visual Arts. I hope she visits from time to time to share her ongoing progress.

We both have one thing in common, we both love to draw dancers. Dancers offer so much while posing on the modeling stand. They offer movement, action, physique, as well as storytelling.

I hope you enjoyed browsing through Christine’s sketchbook. I wish her all the best moving forward!

Emily love your work, thanks so much for sharing!! Come back and visit on day.



Check out Christine’s Instagram. Thanks again Christine for sharing your art.


Delaney’s Sketchbook – Every Square Inch

Delaney’s Sketchbook – Every Square Inch

Wow, how time flies by. I remember back in September when Delaney’s class just started. I also remember seeing Delaney’s first sketchbook. I never saw anything like it. It was one big hot mess, it looked like it was dragged to school behind the School of Visual Arts bus.

Delaney is definitely different and she plays by her own rules. I love that about her. I love having students like Delaney in class who’s work is so dramatically different. It makes the classroom such an interesting place to learn and grow.

What I also like about Delaney is that she puts her heart and soul into each assignment in class. She tried every single traditional technique taught in class. She approached each traditional technique in her own style.

Even if you mainly love traditional realistic type drawings you have got to love Delaney’s passion. Every single square inch of her sketchbook is filled to the brim.

Check out her sketchbook, I trust you will definitely get inspired to start drawing today.



Check out Delaney’s Instagram. Thanks again Emily for sharing your art.


Emily R’s Second Sketchbook

Emily R’s Second Sketchbook

Emily was a student in last years foundation drawing class for animators. I really miss having Emily in class this year. She is a massive Beatles fan with a with a great sense of humor.

His sketchbook drawing are so much fun to look at. I’ll let Emily’s work speak for itself in the video below.

Emily love your work, thanks so much for sharing!! Come back and visit on day.



Check out Emily’s Instagram. Thanks again Emily for sharing your art.


Sydney’s Sketchbook – Bouncy Cartoon Characters

Sydney’s Sketchbook – Bouncy Cartoon Characters

Sydney is currently enrolled in my Friday drawing class at the School Of Visual Arts. Sydney is an Animation major which is perfect. Her characters are quintessential cartoon to say the least.

What I love so much about Sydney is that she is super comfortable in her shoes. She is not wishy washy about what her work is all about. She loves drawing bouncy cartoon characters and she is really good at it.

I also love that every character has a definite facial expression. Drawing diverse facial expressions is super hard to say the least. Especially for someone like myself who was trained in an academic style.

Whether you like cartoon drawings or not Sydney’s work is definitely something to take note of. She is super clear on her process, style and subject matter. That means a lot in my book. It usually means success.

With Sydney understanding what her work is all about she really has a step up on the competiton. I really can envision turning on my TV, switching over to the cartoon network and seeing Sydney’s work.  I just hope that she remembers to tell me when it’s on!

It’s so very important to have a clear vision for you and your work. If you don’t know where you are going with your work, all of that practice can make it feel as though you are just spinning your wheels.



Thanks again Sydney for sharing your art. You can check out Sydney’s YouTube channel here.