Portrait Drawing – Lesson One

Portrait Drawing – Lesson One

I just recently finished a brand new portrait drawing course over at Drawing Tutorials Online. I wanted to share with you a few of the chapters since the drawing has gotten a lot of positive feedback.

It’s been while since I’ve posted any drawing tutorials outside of the members area. The six lessons to be posted here at the blog should give you some insight as to how to get started drawing a portrait.

The drawing took me roughly seven to eight hours to complete. My process is quite slow, however if there is a technique within the video that helps you by all means run with it.



This is lesson one, I will be posting six lessons in total here at the blog. Thank you so much for watching.

Please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

If you would like to jump ahead and watch the course in it’s entirety visit our sign up page at Drawing Tutorials Online. The course comes with a PDF, screencast tutorial and photo reference. Plus when you sign up to Drawing Tutorials Online you will be able to receive feedback on your portrait drawings. 


Alice’s Last Sketchbook – Maybe

Alice’s Last Sketchbook – Maybe

It’s basically one month and one day before I start teaching a whole new group of students at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan. I still have some sketchbook videos that I really need to post. This is a short but sweet sketchbook that Alice worked on when she was all out of ideas. She just did a bunch of drawings while watching Netflix. She was having a creative slump and worked through it wonderfully.

If you have ever been through a creative slump, or just didn’t feel like creating any art, it’s important that you at least continue to draw. It’s important to look at new artists.

Simply drawing each day in your sketchbook will open up new creative channels that you never thought existed. Of course every artist does need a break from time to time. But just keep sketching. It will keep your eye hand coordination up to speed.

Thanks for watching.

Check out Alice’s Instagram. Stop by and visit okay!

Emily’s Sketchbook – Part Two – With Elmo

Emily’s Sketchbook – Part Two – With Elmo

Each year there is always a student that makes up the heart of the class, Emily is that student. Emily brings so much energy and passion into the classroom. I love her for that. If I could bottle up her energy I would, it’s fun and contagious.

Emily has really made some great strides with her artwork over two semesters. Her art is definitely unique to Emily. The shapes of her characters are really interesting. Emily also has this great knack for drawing really thin detailed line which I totally love.

With one more week left in the Spring semester at SVA I’m really going to miss all of the fun energy that Emily has for her work and the work of other students in the classroom.

Emily thanks so much for sharing another sketchbook. Definitely visit next semester, or else.




Check out Emily’s instagram. Thanks again Emily for sharing your art.


Song’s sketchbook – Visiting Student Day

Song’s sketchbook – Visiting Student Day

Song was a student in my class a couple of years ago. She visited my my class recently and lucky us, she brought her sketchbook.

I remember back in the day when Song was a student in my class she was a little lost. She was completely unsure of herself. Her confidence was just not there.

However she perservered and her skill set began to grow. Her confidence also started to grow. It’s really amazing to see her progress. She always had a natural talent within her, it just needed some nurturing to allow it to flourish.

We all periodically lose our confidence when it comes to creating our own artwork. The key is to keep creating. Never stop learning new techniques, never stop taking classes.

Yes you want to be aware of the talent around you. Yes you want to have role models too. But there comes a time when you just have to put your head down, cut away all of the noise and get to drawing. Get to working on you.

That’s just want Song did and I’m happy to say that she chose me to be her thesis instructor. It should be a wild ride and I’m totally ready to help in any way I can.



Take a look at Song’s Instagram.

Read more about some of the courses offered at Drawing Tutorials Online.


Helen’s Sketchbook – 70’s Character – Marker – Gesture

Helen’s Sketchbook – 70’s Character – Marker – Gesture

Helen sketchbook is pretty amazing. Helen is a super quiet student who arrives to class each week ready to draw. She methodically creates very beautiful drawings time and time again. Her life drawings and sketchbook drawings are both quintessential Helen.

Lot’s of bold shapes combined with strong line. Looking through Helen’s sketchbook was a great experience. I absolutely love the twists and turns her sketchbook took me through. I trust it will take you for a twisty ride as well.

The character design towards the end of the sketchbook is pretty unique. I really loved all of the intricate details, diverse shapes and interesting costume design.

Something tells me Helen is going to move onto a great career in the arts. She has a wonderful sense of design and creativity unique to Helen.



To see more of Helen’s artwork visit https://www.instagram.com/lenmonyfresh/

To find out more about how DTO can help you visit https://members.drawing-tutorials-online.com/members-login/