Emily’s Third Sketchbook – A Long Time Ago

I’ve had Emily’s sketchbook video on my iPhone for quite sometime. I’m about to start filming my current student’s sketchbooks this week. So what better time to post Emily’s third sketchbook.

What can I say, Emily was the heart of her class last semester. She brings so much energy and passion to everything she does.

Emily is all about constant improvement. I trust you will find some value and inspiration when flipping through her sketchbook with me.



Check out Emily’s Instagram. You can really see her improvement there too. Thanks again Emily for sharing your art.


Lin’s Sketchbook

Lin’s Sketchbook

Gosh I’m really not even sure where to start with this blog post. Lin was a student enrolled in my drawing class last year at the School of Visual Arts. I guess I can start with the fact that Lin was the heart of the class. She really is the nicest person ever. Lin is the hardest working student truly devoted to improving everyday.

The cool story about Lin was that she started watching student sketchbook videos years ago when she was in Junior High. The student sketchbook videos were what inspired her to attend the School of Visual Arts.

When she arrived in class and told me her story I was blown away. Lin was pretty much the first to arrive each week which was great because we developed a friendship very early on. I really enjoyed talking with Lin about her home state of North Carolina. A place I would really like to move to in all honesty.

I must say Lin is voted most improved student no doubt. Lin arrived to class with a solid base of skill. Her skillset really took off in the Spring semester after a few frustrating classes. It was great to see Lin fight through the plateau’s every artist has to confront from time to time.

Lin continues to visit my class letting me know the scoop of what’s going on at SVA which I love. I also love to see her progression with her latest sketchbooks!



Check out Lin’s Instagram. Thanks again Lin for sharing your sketchbook.


Helen’s Sketchbook – 70’s Character – Marker – Gesture

Helen’s Sketchbook – 70’s Character – Marker – Gesture

Helen sketchbook is pretty amazing. Helen is a super quiet student who arrives to class each week ready to draw. She methodically creates very beautiful drawings time and time again. Her life drawings and sketchbook drawings are both quintessential Helen.

Lot’s of bold shapes combined with strong line. Looking through Helen’s sketchbook was a great experience. I absolutely love the twists and turns her sketchbook took me through. I trust it will take you for a twisty ride as well.

The character design towards the end of the sketchbook is pretty unique. I really loved all of the intricate details, diverse shapes and interesting costume design.

Something tells me Helen is going to move onto a great career in the arts. She has a wonderful sense of design and creativity unique to Helen.



To see more of Helen’s artwork visit https://www.instagram.com/lenmonyfresh/

To find out more about how DTO can help you visit https://members.drawing-tutorials-online.com/members-login/


Sydney’s Sketchbook – Bouncy Cartoon Characters

Sydney’s Sketchbook – Bouncy Cartoon Characters

Sydney is currently enrolled in my Friday drawing class at the School Of Visual Arts. Sydney is an Animation major which is perfect. Her characters are quintessential cartoon to say the least.

What I love so much about Sydney is that she is super comfortable in her shoes. She is not wishy washy about what her work is all about. She loves drawing bouncy cartoon characters and she is really good at it.

I also love that every character has a definite facial expression. Drawing diverse facial expressions is super hard to say the least. Especially for someone like myself who was trained in an academic style.

Whether you like cartoon drawings or not Sydney’s work is definitely something to take note of. She is super clear on her process, style and subject matter. That means a lot in my book. It usually means success.

With Sydney understanding what her work is all about she really has a step up on the competiton. I really can envision turning on my TV, switching over to the cartoon network and seeing Sydney’s work.  I just hope that she remembers to tell me when it’s on!

It’s so very important to have a clear vision for you and your work. If you don’t know where you are going with your work, all of that practice can make it feel as though you are just spinning your wheels.



Thanks again Sydney for sharing your art. You can check out Sydney’s YouTube channel here.


Madeleine’s Sketchbook – Total Power

Madeleine’s Sketchbook – Total Power

Madeleine is a student currently enrolled in my foundation drawing class at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan New York. Madeleine is definitely playing by her own set of rules. She wants to create her own animated series for Cartoon Network. Hey why not.

Madeleine has the drive, the talent and a clear vision for what she wants. The sheer volume of drawings Madeleine has created in her sketchbook is pretty amazing.

I ask my students to fill two sketchbooks in a fifteen week semester, Madeleine completed her two in eight weeks. You definitely have to take note of that.

Finishing two sketchbooks in fifteen weeks is what every student should strive for. There is definitely something magical that happens when you draw that much. That magic is happening with Madeleine.

I really teach drawing in a very traditional way. Madeleine is far from traditional and I totally accept that. I love all of the drawings Madeleine works on in class. They are so very different, they really make you take a step back.

It’s so very important to expose yourself to different kinds of art. For that I thank you Madeleine for sharing your sketchbooks with us.

Check out Madeleine’s website. Thanks again Madeline for sharing your art. looking forward to the next sketchbooks.