How To Draw A Portrait Likeness
I just finished up filming the weekly critiques over at members.drawing-tutorials-online.com. This one critique really stood out. Cara has been struggling with being able to draw a likeness. We’ve all been there. I know I’ve struggled with being able to capture a likeness on many occasions.
What I’ve discovered over the years is that being able to match values plays such an important role in capturing a likeness. Even if you are able to draw all of the measurements of the models head correctly, if the values are off, the likeness won’t be there.
If you struggle with likeness take a step back. Practice matching values as shown in the video below. Be patient with yourself. It took me years to be able to match subtle values. Especially with color.
Take your time with this, practice with a pencil first. Then move on to color and or paint.
Don’t have a value scale. Head on down to your local paint store. Grab a bunch of paint swatches within the black and white value range and get started today.
Thanks for watching!